Skyrocketing kids’ creative spirit, boosting their confidence and busting boredom with affordable,
mess-free sustainable fashion design kits.

Spend less time on screens, develop key motor skills and create your
very own POP-ing t-shirt.

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See how it works

You don’t need to start mixing up the papier mache, mop up the dirty paint water, worry about little hands using scissors or making gloopy slime (we can hear your carpets wincing at the thought!) We have developed a creative project that little hands can work through safely on their own. 

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Our story

Peel Of Print Co. founder and award-winning fashion designer, Jamie Bruski Tetsill set out to create a modern alternative to children’s clothing by encouraging kids to be creative and inquisitive through his designs. On graduating with a textiles degree from Glasgow School of Art, Jamie studied a Masters degree at Central St Martins College in London.

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Catch the fun on instagram!

Our customers are delighted with the high quality of our creative projects and repeat purchase for their children, as gifts and as subscription members. Here’s a flavour of what our customers are making.


  • Affordable

  • Mess Free

  • Non-Toxic

  • Educational